CAUTION: Do not use this form to request changes of address, phone numbers, handicaps, etc.
Click here to make those changes.
Name: Req'd
Address 1: Req'd
Address 2:
City: Req'd
State/Province: Req'd
Zip: Req'd
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email: Req'd
Are you a member?Yes
Please send me a brochure stand with brochures to help my chapter grow (see photo below)
Please send me a set of 14 lost clubs labels for my golf clubs. Use for my phone number on the labels. (Use XXX-YYY-ZZZZ format)
Please include your comments below:
Enter the five characters you see to the left in the box below:

 If you would like to contact us please use the form to the left or call us at 980-833-6450 or 1-888-GOLFMATE.

American Singles Golf Association
PO Box 848,
Pineville, NC 28134