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Testimonials From Our Members Got a testimonial about ASGA you'd like to submit? Just use the CONTACT US button at left and send it on in! We'll add it to the list! And thanks for your participation in ASGA! The golf course is one of the best places to meet wonderful people - and ASGA is a great way to bring people to new courses - and into new life experiences. I got an e-mail from Tom Alsop, way back in 2001 that brought ASGA into my life. I was recently widowed and didn't know any singles in my area. Golf was my passion, but it was February and tough to do in upstate New York. I attended the Savannah President's Day weekend. I was greeted so warmly and had such a terrific time that I started the Albany chapter as soon as I got home. They are still going strong - and it brings fullness to many of us looking for connection to great friends. ASGA as a national as well as local experience brings so many new, warm and interesting people into our lives. Golf is the beginning - but the friendships created there are deep and enduring. Thanks to all of you who give of your time and energy so that this wonderful opportunity is available to so many. - Ann Graziano - Founder of Albany ASGA chapter. I'm glad I joined ASGA. It has given me a new lease on life, my social life that is. Before ASGA being a single, I had no friends that played golf. The weekends were long as I was yearning to get out on the course, but didn't want to go myself. Now, as part of ASGA, I have acquired many new friends; and every weekend you can find me on one of the local golf courses. I'm very glad for ASGA; it certainly has changed my social life! I thought I may be too old, but I am not the oldest! I thought I may not play well enough, but I am not the worst!!! There is a place for every single that loves to play golf. My first ASGA experience was New Year's Eve in Orlando, almost two years ago. I met many new people and was pleasantly surprised that everyone was friendly and very cordial on the golf course. The weekend was well organized and the activities were great. My next trip was to Kiawah Island and once again I was impressed with the organization, location, accommodations, etc. I am now very much looking forward to the golf trip to Scotland--a dream come true. I live in NYC and we do not have a chapter yet so I joined the New Jersey group. I look forward to new members from New York City joining so we can work together to get our own chapter up and running! I am in my fourth year as a member. I have met some wonderful people that I now consider among my closest friends. I also have acquaintance with 300 people I didn't know before. I had found that as I was getting older, my social circles were shrinking - working too many hours, more people have settled down, and so on. After joining ASGA, my circles have widened considerably. And, oh, by the way, I've also had the chance to play golf courses I wouldn't have found on my own and my game has really improved. - Washington, DC Member ASGA is A great way to meet new friends and play different golf courses all over the city. I have really enjoyed being part of the organization. There are all level of players involved, and we all have fun. - Kansas City, Member Just returned from the multi-chapter event at Santee. Played three great courses. Had beautiful weather, good food, and tons of fun. Met some new folks and renewed lots of friendships from last year’s event. Put me down for next year. I wouldn't dare miss it. I just joined the Hickory chapter of the American Singles Golf Association. I have been to one meeting. Played one round of golf and I’m already planning several out of town events. If you love golf and want to meet other singles - - how could you go wrong? Hope to see you on the links! I decided that I needed a way to meet people like me. Golf seemed like a great discriminator as golfers would tend to be a cut above the general population (I know that sounds pretty snobby, but time is precious and you need to use some discriminator as to the character of people). I had heard about the group while in an airport in Arizona and again in Alabama (I wonder what the "A" connections is?). Well I searched on the internet and found them. I joined and signed up for a Dallas golf outing and put their meeting (it happened to be their annual election) on my calendar. They met in a nice location and I met several of their members. I went dancing with them after the meeting and have been playing golf and dancing with them every week since. As if that wasn't good enough, I had to cancel on the first outing after having already paid. I just chalked it up to bad luck and took my business trip. Well I was contacted several months later that I had a credit! I used the credit and played a very nice course with the group that I had wanted to play for a few years, but never had an excuse to play (moving a lot I never had a group that I played with). The group has been super friendly, easy to get involved with, and very active. I'd recommend ASGA and the Dallas chapter to any single person that I met in the airport too! - Dallas, TX Member Hi! I'm having the time of my life with the ASGA. I met the love of my life and I'm playing golf with some great friends every week. If you want to play golf and meet new friends, come join us. I have been a member of the Seattle Chapter of ASGA for two and a half years. I joined after my divorce from a 33-year marriage. Golf was something I did many years ago, and I wanted to get back into the social part of golfing at different courses with new, single adults. The "old" married friends seem to disappear when I became single. This club has given so much to me! I have made wonderful friendships with the ladies as well as with the men. We are like an extended family. Besides golfing, we also go out to dinner, movies, concerts, baseball games, bowling, and play bridge. We have barbecue parties in the summer and theme parties like Halloween in the winter months. I met a wonderful man at one of our parties. We attend all the monthly meetings and golf at most of the events. Our love for golf brought us together and we are enjoying all the friendships and activities our Chapter has to offer. ASGA is the best place to meet new friends and do fun things together! - Evie Falkin, Seattle, WA Member I was a member of ASGA for 4 years. It was a perfect opportunity to meet other people with similar life styles. I never felt like it was a "dating service". It was more like friends getting together on the weekend to golf. I did meet my favorite "friend" to golf with about two years ago during an outing we had at French Lick. We have golfed ever since and recently went to Mexico for our honeymoon and ... yes we golfed. - Former Member, Now Married I belong to the Hartford, CT chapter. I've been an ASGA member for nearly a year and I have to tell you how much it improved my life style. Before I joined, my social contacts and my frequency of playing golf were very limited. The Hartford chapter has a huge membership base, which allows me to meet so many new friends...all whom are so nice. This group has so many golfing events and social activities that one could never participate in all of them. What more could a single golfing fanatic ask for? Another positive is the fact you don't have to be a good golfer at all. Many are not, but that has no bearing on the fun and enjoyment you will experience by being an active member. I highly recommend to anyone who has a desire to meet quality singles and play lots of golf to attend their nearest chapters next meeting. - Jack Curtiss, Hartford, CT Member Five years ago I was transferred to the Phoenix area. I had left the only place I had ever lived and all the old friends I had come to know and love. I only had a few friends here and even fewer shared my golf dream (I was going to be in the LPGA). I was just learning to play golf and it was difficult to find partners with the skill level of a beginner or a very patient better golfer. I was doomed to chipping whiffle golf balls in my back yard and going to the driving range! As I struggled to find partners for golf, a friend of mine suggested I try joining the Triad ASGA. At first I was skeptic, a singles golf group? My friend assured me of the new friends and enjoyable golf outings that were looming ahead in my future. Alas, I gave up, kicking and screaming all the way to the meeting, I joined. My friend was right! I found new friends, who later helped me through the loss of my daughter. They were patient when I came back to the game of golf and encouraged me to go on with my life. What would have happened if I had not known these wonderful, funny and crazy people? I don't really want to know. Their laughter has lifted my spirits, their kind words have soothed my pain and who knows some day I may meet that "Mr. Right" who will share the rest of my life. All I know is . . . HE BETTER LOVE GOLF! As a single person moving to a new community and making new friends can be difficult. ASGA Birmingham really provides a way to meet people who share a common interest. The Association members are friendly and make you feel welcome. Also - it is great because no matter what your handicap you can enjoy the game because there is no pressure on being a great golfer - just having a great time. Hi. Just want to say what a great time I have had meeting new friends through ASGA’s Twin Cities chapter. I live two hours outside the Twin Cities but have had a great time golfing and socializing--don't minimize how far people would be willing to travel to golf and have a good time. - Tom Peterson I've found ASGA to be a wonderful avenue for meeting others while enjoying one of my favorite pastimes -- golf! ASGA Chicago Chapter has a wonderful group of individuals, and I've formulated many friendships as a result of my membership. What is particularly attractive about ASGA is that we just don't socialize during golf season -- we have many activities throughout the year allowing members to stay in touch and enjoy activities outside the golf season. I've wholeheartedly recommend ASGA to my friends as well as other singles I meet through other organizations. I joined the Seattle ASGA group a couple years ago, and quickly discovered that it was somewhat of a travel agency - - I've seen more woods, beaches, ponds (some the size of one of the great lakes), and now and then silky smooth greens . I've seen lil' black bear, deer, (and well Dears also), crocs, coyote, well almost the whole darn zoo is out there. This bunch travels, to Myrtle Beach (a couple of times), Alabama (Robert Trent Jones Trail), with annual trips to California, Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, and this fall to British Columbia, all to play golf. These friends play about 20 different courses in the Evergreen State. I wouldn't belong if they all weren't considerate, fun being fairly diverse in their backgrounds, experience and interests. – Kip As a newcomer to Florida, I joined the Tampa chapter of ASGA to meet people and play golf. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I'm now living on the east coast, in the West Palm Beach area, but still keep in touch with my Tampa ASGA friends. ASGA has allowed me to play courses all over the country that I wouldn't otherwise be able to afford not only because of "double occupancy but also because of the great package prices. I have made friends that I look forward to seeing at the next event. - Sally - Member-at-Large I have belonged to the ASGA for about 6 months. It is really a good group of men and women who are very friendly and good golfers. The social activities are excellent and you get to play courses all over the United States if you desire. This group is worth joining. I joined ASGA two months ago and wish I had joined last year. We have some very nice people in our chapter and we get together for more functions than golf on a regular basis. Having lots of fun-come on out! - Randy White, Phoenix Member I belong to the Hartford Chapter of ASGA. Joining the Hartford Chapter of ASGA has been the best thing that I have done for myself in a long time. Before I joined this group my life was OK but nothing special. Since joining I have made many new and wonderful friend and my golf game has improved dramatically. I have so much fun now with so many great people. ASGA has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of great people who are friendly and enjoy social activities. This is not a "let's hit up on the chicks" type of organization. It is a group of mature, sophisticated adults enjoying one another’s company and participating in a variety of fun activities. Serious relationships can evolve naturally from these friendships. As a single woman it gives me the opportunity to travel freely with my peer group. I have met a lot of nice people who enjoy playing golf as much as I do. The outings are great and there are several social events each year. It has provided a new circle of friends. Quality singles and quality activities. We, Charles and Alma Sanford, not only had a lot of fun with everyone on the course, we also enjoyed the parties. We met in the Tucson chapter and after a year of dating, we got married in 2003. We are out now but we darn sure recommend it to all singles. - Charles Sanford, former Tucson Chapter Member It is the only forum to meet a nice group of single people where even if you don't "click" romantically you still have lots in common and no hurt feelings b/c there is less awkwardness, i.e. if your date can shoot scratch golf they can be forgiven for not being GQ or Vogue cover people...and you really can get a chance to know someone after 4 hrs on the course vs. a few drinks and/or dances. - BW Enjoying golf and living in Minnesota is not a good thing in the dead of winter. ASGA is the clear ticket. Fun loving people, superb travel destinations, magnificent golf courses, and discount pricing. ASGA is the reason I stay single. The people I met were not "clicky." They’re real folks that I enjoy golfing and laughing with often. ASGA has given me a lot of wonderful female friends. My objective when I first joined was to make women friends and if I connect with a man, well, that is just like frosting on the cake! It has been wonderful for me to socialize with other golfers. I began golf at the same time I joined ASGA and the club has been extremely helpful to teach me golf rules and etiquette. – Member, Hartford CT Chapter ASGA has opened me up to many golf opportunities that I would not otherwise have access to on my own. Most of my "other" friends do not play, so through ASGA I have a circle of friends to share my passion for golf with. The members offer the kind support that I need to tackle this very challenging game. – Member, Detroit Chapter This organization has been a very positive experience for me. I get to play wonderful golf courses with quality single people in the Fort Lauderdale Chapter of ASGA. It doesn't get much better than that. We also have the opportunity to take advantage of GREAT golf trips. Not to mention the numerous social (non-golf) related activities planned. I feel fortunate that I live very close to the West Palm Beach Chapter also so I get double the fun! This should be one of the best-known groups in America ...instant friendships, great golf, pretty places, and really thoughtful, considerate, sophisticated people. - Joanne Scheetz I am currently a member of the Orlando chapter of ASGA and have been for several years. ASGA has been a big part of my social life. I joined primarily to meet more women golfers since I knew very few. One of my best friends even met her husband through this group. I have gotten to know some great people that have become life long friends. I have had so many good times since joining I urge others to join and to get involved in the activities. You'll be glad you did! Great idea! Hi! I met my husband through the American Singles Golf Association! We met two years ago at a meeting. We made a date to play golf the very next weekend and have been dating ever since. We are more compatible than anyone else I've ever dated. We were married in April of this year. ASGA is a GREAT place to meet people! What a wonderful combination - great golf courses and new people! Since joining the Myrtle Beach / Grand Strand chapter of ASGA, I have met and socialized with the greatest golfers and played some very interesting courses that I would not have gone to had I not been a member of this fine group. I have made some lifelong friends and hope to make more in the future. The biggest single advantage for the ASGA has been meeting other people in the same boat with the same general interests. I love playing with my ladies' groups during the week, but found it increasingly hard to get a group together on Saturday and/or Sunday as most of them played with their husbands on one or both of those days. The singles golf association has made it possible for me to play "weekend golf" fairly regularly. No longer am I doomed to sit at home and watch PGA tournaments on TV. I can be out on the course myself! As a result of being able to play MORE golf (and observing the better golfers during singles events...I have picked up several tips and my handicap has lowered from a 46 in October 2003 to a 29.5 this May 31, 2004. How's THAT for improvement! - Susan Abernathy Bondurant, Wilmington, NC Chapter I moved from Chicago to Phoenix in 2002. The only people I knew in Phoenix were family members. I joined ASGA and found wonderful friends, great golf, lovely parties, exciting trips and fantastic outings. ASGA is a great place to meet people and have fun. I love my ASGA membership and chapter! They just make golf outings so much fun and so easy! Nicest group of people anywhere besides! ASGA introduced me to a new sport and I find golf to be truly gratifying. The dinners and single mingles have given me the opportunity to make new friends in a congenial atmosphere. Ed and I met through ASGA about 8 yrs ago. We enjoyed many outings with the Raleigh chapter and contributed much of our time to the group by holding leadership positions and hosting socials. We also took advantage of some National events and multi-chapter outings too....lots of fun! We met many nice people through ASGA and some of the contacts continue although we got married in February and had to surrender our memberships! Keep up the good work! – Diana, Raleigh, NC Chapter I was widowed/lost family suddenly after being married for all of my adult life. Just being called single was a challenge. I was coaxed out of the house to attend a social single group that seemed fairly flat and boring but it gave me courage to attend the Asheville chapter of ASGA alone. As soon as I walked in the room I knew I was home. The family that I lost will always be missed but my new golf family loves me and makes me laugh and I hope I bring as much joy to them as they have to me. I often tell people that I am going to meet my three psychiatrists for a round. I have met sweet, sweet, funny people at national and multi-chapters events and talk to them often. Golfers are the best. Prior to ASGA, when I didn't have anybody to play golf with, I would go out, by myself, to the course to play. I would just have to take "pot-luck" on who I got paired up with. Usually, the golf pro was very hesitant to pair a single female player with anyone, so I often had to wait a long time before an acceptable pairing, in the eyes of the golf pro, came along. Usually, I ended up playing with a married couple, or a parent/child combination. Since joining ASGA, I have a group of SINGLE friends with whom to play on a consistent basis, and I can now avoid that awkward situation of going to the course by myself, with no particular game lined up. I can now call on people in my Triad (NC) chapter at any time to get a game. Golf is lots more fun when you are playing it among friends, especially eligible and available friends! And that's why I rejoin year after year - mainly to have a group of single friends to play golf with and socialize with. Joining ASGA was one of the best things that have changed my life. I have joined two of my very favorite things-playing golf and meeting new people. I was one of the first members to join the chapter in Washington, DC and was a member for three years. I just relocated to Tampa and the three things on my "must do" list were, find a new doctor, find a new hair stylist and find the ASGA chapter. I've met some great people and played some great courses (at reduced rates!). It can't get much better than that. I will be a member in Palm Springs one year this October. I have met many nice people in ASGA. It's been a pleasure and I have a lot of fun golfing. This is a great, non-threatening way to meet other singles where we have a common interest in golf. It is another alternative to being single. The Hartford chapter members are very nice and we do interesting things besides golf all year long. Hi, I am Bonnie Whitted and I love GOLF. The ASGA has afforded me the opportunity to play golf with a great group of single friends. It is fabulous because you are paired up with different people each time and everyone is there to just enjoy the day and have a good round. Being single, dating sucks, there is always the awkward beginning and the small talk. But with ASGA you just go out and play golf and enjoy yourself. No pressure, have a few beers, and relax and enjoy the day. I have been a member of the Singles Golf Association for over two years and still look forward to every outing. What a great group of people! You guys are great. It’s always a ball. I’ve met loads of fun folks. Keep up the good work. – Dr. Tom ASGA is a great organization for singles who lead a very busy life in other ways. I still have a busy work schedule and family commitments. Being a Raleigh-ASGA member in my area gives me the opportunity to play golf on a pretty regular basis with other singles. It’s great to be in a crowd where the excitement is centered on playing golf. I like this association because it gives me a chance to meet new people that enjoy the game of golf. I play golf by myself most of the time. Sadly to say I only get the chance to play in the outings with the USGA 4 times a year because of my work. I have enjoyed every time! I am not a full member because of the lack of chances I get to play but I am thankful for the email updates letting me know when the next outing is. I look forward playing with the group the next chance I get. After I moved from San Diego, my goals of finding new fun people to play golf with were met when I joined the Tucson chapter of ASG. What a pleasure it is to play with golfers of all levels, and not feel pressured or intimidated by those who are more accomplished than I. The friendliness and camaraderie of the members is what keeps me coming back for more! Even in the heat of the summertime! A friend of mine asked me to join with her as she wanted to meet a guy. So being a friend, I joined. I am a widow and my purpose was to mingle with guys and gals, and to play the many new courses that I got to play. It was a lot of fun. I love golfing mostly. Most people were younger than I but that was ok. I just wanted to mingle as I had been golfing a lot with just women. Enjoyed your club and I wish it luck in the future. Although I've been in the DC area for 17 years and met a lot of good friends along the way, ASGA-DC has increased my circle of friends three fold in three short years! The best part of the club is the people. Yes the golf is great and the parties are fun, but the people are fantastic! I'm very proud and fortunate to call ASGA my club and the DC chapter my friends. I joined the Phoenix Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association last October. I had two major reasons - - one to play golf with a group on weekends because being a widow my married friends are busy with their families; two, the opportunity to travel as group with something in common without paying that 100 to 200% penalty for a single. Having dislocated by shoulder--was thrown out of the cart by my best friend--the Scotland trip I was looking forward to this year isn't going to happen. All of the people that I have met in the Phoenix Chapter have been most pleasant to play golf with. I am a beginning golfer and I applaud the men and women in the group for being so patient and encouraging each time I have played golf. The officers of the Phoenix Chapter do a great job. When I inquired about the Association, Sandy Morris, Assistant Membership Chairperson, was very informative and courteous. Kathi Willis, Membership Chairperson, is always pleasant and makes one feel welcome. I have yet to attend a function that the Chapter President, Jim Williams, doesn't greet me by my first name and make me feel welcome. All of the officers put forth great effort contributing to the success of the Phoenix Chapter. I have enjoyed golfing with the Association. - Patsy Hinkle This organization is TERRIFIC! It affords a single person the opportunity to meet and make new fiends from many states. At an event one can choose to just golf or golf and mingle. The nice thing is that all is arranged. When you arrive you just play and enjoy the company. I would highly recommend this organization. If anyone would like to call or discuss this further I would be happy to answer any questions. Sincerely, Charlene A. Larson I joined the Charlotte club five years ago and I have never been without something to do. I meet new friends at meetings and enjoy playing with them on the weekends. What a perfect combination of fun and fellowship! David joined ASGA shortly after his divorce and was a member of ASGA for 5 years. My job responsibilities changed so I would not have to travel, so I was ready to explore the world of golf. I met David at my second meeting- and that was the beginning of a wonderful story- we have dated for 3.5 years, and will be married June 26th! Our first date- the driving range ( of course, I had to take a brief lesson before the date! I am a member of the Hartford, CT chapter of ASGA. I became a member of through a friend. From my very first meeting I was impressed with the friendliness of the Hartford, CT ASGA group. I enjoy playing golf (as I'm sure all members do), and look forward to the weekly games as well as the outings and tournaments. The Hartford, CT ASGA have given me the opportunity to play as much or little as I desire. I have made many new friends through Hartford, CT ASGA and enjoy the many social activities that they work so hard to provide to the members, as well as all the golfing that anyone can handle. Has this been a life changing experience for me? No, but it has enhanced my circle of friends, for golf and other activities. It also gives those that wish, to take advantage of out of town trips (and I have to say at a very good price point), to meet and grow even a greater circle of friends. That is why I renew my dues. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the officers and members of Hartford, CT ASGA for all there hard work and to let them know that it is very much appreciated. - Alicia M., Hartford, CT ASGA Chapter As an old duffer (72 years young), I joined ASGA 3 years ago. I met a wonderful group of golfers, but more importantly, a wonderful group of men and women, many of whom made me their friend. Then a miracle happened! I met a "sweet love". The two of us are very much in love and it was ASGA that brought us together. My only fear is that the local ASGA chapter will expel us if we should get married. Maybe we won't tell them! ASGA has been a great experience for me. I joined the Albany New York Chapter during its second year of existence, having been widowed many years earlier. I found it to be such a great group, that I immediately volunteered to help with the Social Committee, and the following year found myself in the position as Co-President. ASGA has provided me with some great new friends. Also, I recently relocated to NJ, and have transferred my membership here. However, thanks to ASGA (and the Orlando New Year's trip this year), I made a NJ ASGA friend, who acted as my NJ realtor, and with whom I play golf almost every week-end. Through her, I've also met a number of other great folks. - Nancy Mott ASGA has allowed me to meet new people from all walks of life that have a common bond, we all enjoy golfing. Some are good, some not so good, but we all have a wonderful time. We play every weekend and move to different courses to experience new scenery and change the challenges. Traveling all around the country, while participating in national and regional events, has allowed me to meet wonderful men and women from all over this great country. I've been a member for three years and have no intention of giving up my membership, unless I meet that special lady, and provided she plays golf. Come join the fun, you won't be disappointed. - Randy Scott, Indianapolis Chapter ASGA Love it, Love it, and really love it. Our Palm Springs Chapter has been going about 3 years and I think it is great. When you come to a city alone and know NO ONE - you have instant friends in the singles golf group. I have always hated going to a golf course and saying SINGLE - now I don't have to, our group has 5 to l0 outings per month plus many socials - you can't beat this. I know I am alot happier now that I have my golf buddies. And the trips we get to take - great great and the greatest. Betty Boop - Palm Springs Chapter I enjoy meeting attractive women who like to play golf as well as the social functions our chapter offers. - Fred, Kansas City ASGA ASGA has made a difference in my life. It has filled it with excitement and FUN!!!!!! No bar scene, just golfing in the beautiful sun light with unbelievable women, (and men too). ASGA is also a single golfers travel agency with unbelievably economical packages with one "Fantastic" exception, they supply representatives of the opposite sex to be where you are going, with the sole purpose of meeting and sharing great times with you! The Tucson chapter, which I belong to, is full of fun loving, wonderful people. Not one would I trade. The Phoenix chapter is just one hour away. Boy are they a crazy and fun group! I could go on and on. I'll just say this as a testimonial, "As I write these few lines a warmness fills me and my eyes fill up". Someone once said "Words murder thoughts and feelings", but I hope I have given you a small picture of the last three and a half years of my life. Hugs and Happiness, Thanks ASGA. - Jer My name is Marguerite Hansen and I belong to the Dallas-Ft Worth Chapter. In late April of 2002, I moved to Dallas, TX from Omaha, Nebraska. The only people I knew were my son, daughter-in-law and her family. I wanted to meet singles my age and a good friend of mine who lived in Kansas City at that time and belonged to the KC ASGA Chapter, suggested I join the local chapter. He emailed me the information and I joined in June of that same year. I didn't attend many of the functions the first year. I'm in retail - you know, always working Saturdays and Sundays - and that's when the events were held. Eventually my manager understood how much I really liked golf and would allow me to take off those occasional Saturdays or Sundays to golf. Then I decided I wanted to get more involved and so I ran for and was elected Membership Committee Chair! Now I get to meet everyone! And how much fun is that?! To sum it up, my life was pretty boring before ASGA but not now! Having moved to Palm Desert, Ca 5 years ago and having ASGA mentioned to me 3 years ago and that a new chapter was going to be started in Palm Springs has dramatically changed my life as at the time I as newly widowed and knew no one in the area. I am at an age where meeting new people was hard for me but being one of the first to join our chapter and being its secretary for the past 3 years has kept me busy and even though I am not a good golfer everyone has been so pleasant to golf with. I enjoy traveling and have participated in many of the ASGA events beyond our chapter. I heartly recommend ASGA to anyone single that I meet and have gotten several to join our great group. Have attended the Tucson invitational for the past three years and think that Dan Carpenter was a great choice as our national president. - Irene Hearn None of my friends play golf. Making a tee time as one was getting disheartening. Then I would usually be joining three men who cringe at the sight a women joining them. ASGA gave me some golf partners and the men know that they will be playing with women and don't seem to mind. . |
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American Singles Golf Association, Post Office Box 848, Pineville, NC 28134
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